Review for AUDITIONS!!!!!!


(#) XxxFallenAngelXxxx 2011-09-14

Oh, sorry about this, my audition thing got messed up in places so here is some more info.
clothes-Anything she can get really, nothing girly or sluty. (thinks people who dress like that should have more respect for themselves.) Often wears different coloured skinnies, soemtimes ripped ones. Or others that have bloodstains/mud on them that won`t come out. On top she jsut wears tee shirts (band tees, anythign wih a coll pattern on it, sometimes ones with animals on) Sometimes wear shorts with studds on them at the pockets, these are always worn over soemthing as she dislikes her legs becuase of all the scars on them (from injections and other experiments) Always has some kind of jacket on if she isnt wearing a long sleeved shirt as her arms are covered in scars as well. Most of her jackets have different patches/badges on them.
extra-i remembered! She has issues wiht her body-doesn`t like it and thinks she isn`t pretty due to all of her scars from the experiments and tries to hiide as much skin as she can. Also hides a dagger either in her inside jacket pockt or if she if wearing boots in her left one. Never goes anywhere wihtout it. Makes her feel safer.
Sorry again