Review for Best Party EVER!

Best Party EVER!

(#) Heartbreak_Beauty 2011-09-17

Name- Victoria

Age- 12

Hair AND Eyes. :D – Blonde, scruffy, it falls into my blue eyes.

Charac- Vamp.

BR- I was walking back from a recital at school. Something jumped in front of me, instantly attaching itself to my neck and covering my neck with his teeth. The first thing that went through my mind ‘Im getting raped’ but then my body shivered and I was going pale. This wasn’t a hickey. He chucked and pushed me onto the ground, leaving me to die. But I felt the fangs grow into my braces, making them pop off with a shriek from me, then my mouth was num. I smiled.

I’m a vampire.
I AM A GOOD VAMP. I hope you liked that paragraph. :DD

I only kill bad people or bunnies and squirrels and stuff. I hang with Frank a lot. No how to play bass, and is pansexual. (I’ll date everyone. Trannyie, so forth) :D