Review for Auditions


(#) fatherfuckingmeese 2011-09-21

Real name: Tanner Riley (I made that up haha :))
Killjoy name: Demolition Bunny
Age: 14
Looks: Big brown eyes, black hair in ringlets- tied up in high pontail with side fringe, small, has tan skin.
Killjoy outfit: White leather jacket, White tank top that says 'RUN BUNNY RUN RUN', white ballerina tutu with fake blood splatters on them, ripped white tights, white converse, turquoise raygun with a cartoon bunny on it and 'DEMOLITION LOVER'. Also wears fake bunny ears.
Personality: Demolition is really excitable, always bouncing up and down, acts like a bunny- gets freaked out easily, tries to be a loyal friend, always goofing off, kind of a romantic person. A little loud sometimes. Doesn't usually break down.
Other: Is very small, good at acting innocent, can dodge bullets easily. Escaped from BL/I with older brother, but he was killed by dracs. Likes to hang out with Fun Ghoul. if that's okay. :)
I read your story and it was really good. Like, really good- way to make me feel jealous haha. :) hope my audition gets picked. :3