Toxic rose can`t drive-she had some lessons but failed miserably and even wrecked the drivers ed car. Toxic Faith has a motorbike which he says is part hers as well as his, but he is the only one who can drive it safely. (she would crash it and has done in the past)Rose sits behind him on it and grabs hold of him whenever she is on it with him. Toxic Faith can drive a car, but hates it-feels claustrophobic and feels like being in a car is like driving in a cage. He much prefers being on a motorcycle. He is often tinkering about with it and it is covered in painted on doodles and even some band logos done in multicoloured paint. Also Toxic faith is not a fan of speed limits and never obeys them but somehow has never been in a crash/accident.
Oh, I don’t know if you need this but I forgot to write about their masks, so here goes. Toxic Roses is red, with a black rose (fake) on the top left hand corner of it. The eye holes are in the shape of stars. And Toxic faith`s is black with red paint splatters on it that look like blood. The eye slits are cut into stars as well.