All the posh gits in Parliament who have never worked a day in their life, sorry if I've offended you with my political views but i personally think that the Tories are evil bastards, like Margret Thatcher, seriously my dad said there will be a queue of people waiting to dance on her grave when she dies and he's going to be in that queue. Whenever there's police i always say "I did nothing you have no proof!!!" and Monique told me she once said that when she passed a policeman and he started questioning her and she was like "I was joking!!!" You have obviously never met me and my friends the other day we were all sitting cross legged on the hill at school all in a line and laying down onto each other it was my idea and i called it the "sex line" and Rachel thought it would be a good idea to start moving up and down, so i couldn't move cause i was in the middle and i was like "AHHHHH RACHEL STOP!!!!" then today Ashley had 2 spliters with her and she has the Narwhal song on her ipod so we were all listening to it and singing along very loudly and doing the dance moves and everything it was funny oh and Rachel raped abbies feet see me and my friends are VERY weird. My target grade for History is B but i'm aiming for A* and my target for English is B but i'm aiming for A cause i'm a boff and i want to go to uni
Roise :) ....only I can spell my name wrong facepalm
Author's response
Yeah parliment and the bastard mps suck and should die in a hole somewhere at the bottom of the ocean. Wait, no that wouldn`t be fair on the sea creatures..hmm...I`ll have to re-think that one.
A cop car parked just down the road from out house a few months ago when my best friend stayed over and my mum and dad kept asking me what I had done. I was just like nothing and trying to act all sweet and innocent. They didn`t buy it. Those are just too words that have never and will never describe me.
Your friends sound cool (so do you) You need good friends in life, it sure as hell helps.
I wish you luck on your exams, I`m sure you`ll do great.
Callum came round earlier after he got home from school and I kept teasign him about the god awful uniform. ANd then he threw a teddy at me and messed up my hair. He will pay for that. Anyway we just sat around and wathced telly and blasted Queen, The Cure and Green Day songs as my parents were working. I`m kinda shcoked I`m trusted to stay home alone.
ew, school again tomorrow. Oh well, one day down, four more to go