Review for Auditions


(#) XxxFallenAngelXxxx 2011-09-29

Name- Arianne Webb-only answers to “Ari” and will swear/kick/punch you if you call her Arianne. She hates it as she feels it isn’t her and is too “prissy” and “girly”
Age-whatever fits but is around 17-23 okay with you?
Looks-waist length, layered black hair with the underneath dyed a white/blonde colour. layers are very choppy and has a full fringe that almost completely covers her eyes. Pale skinned, always has dark circles round her eyes which shift from an icy blue, to a violet colour, to green, then brown then amber. Whenever you see her they are rarely the same colour. she can just stop it, but she kinda likes it and it freaks some people out. Ears pierced multiple times on the lobes, has a helix, industrial, rook and tragus. He bottom left of her lip has been pierced twice. Belly button pierced as well. Nails are always painted with weird nail art-smiles, music notes, skulls, random cartoon character ect. Average height, curvy. “in the heart” tattooed in fancy writing on left wrist “in the head” on the right. A music note on left middle finger. A tiny, delicate Lilly on her right shoulder blade. And “here`s where the angels and devils meet” going down her spine. Also a feather tattooed on her left foot. Wears very little make up- only black, smudged eyeliner with flecks of silver though it and bright red lipstick.
Clothes-mainly corset type dresses, even if she looks a little overdressed/out of place sometimes she still loves them. Sometimes just a corset top and a pair of skinny jeans-purple, black, red blue ones. Occasionally will wear band tees and skinny jeans, but not normally. Shoe wise she just wear vans, converse or her favourite pair of worn out looking, knee high, studded black boots. She keeps a knife hidden in the left one at all times. Wears lots of different necklaces at a time, always has on studded/spiked wristbands. Has a ring on her right middle finger with a crystal skull on it that she always wears.
Personality-kind, not shy but can be quiet at times. Other times she will be very loud and outspoken. Puts her foot in her mouth a lot. regrets very easily. Loyal friend. Music lover. Animal lover. Hates all the isms. Always has her iPod with her in her bag/pocket. Not a leader, but not really much of a follower either. Doesn’t like making big, important decisions on her own, but will carry them through when she has made them. Can be quit impulsive. Can talk her way out of pretty much anything. Hides behind her hair a lot if she if uncomfortable with a situation/embarrassed. Sings a lot under her breath.
Part-anything that is left. I think I’d prefer to be a witch to a vampire though but I don`t mind. but if she is good, can she not be a total goody two shoes? Or if she is bad can she possibly be not all bad and have some conscience?
Car-I`m not too good with cars, if it is important could you just make it up? If it isn’t she just walks pretty much everywhere as she enjoys nature. If she does have a car, can she be a terrible driver that speeds all the time/sometimes crashes and who people are afraid to get into the car with?
Powers-err, trying not o be too cliché. Erm can understand animals. Not exactly talk to them, but she understands them better than most and they often follow her/find her. Very good at making people forget things/erasing their memory. Can breathe underwater for hours at a time.
Likes-any kind of rock music, animals, art, reading, nature, and friends.
Dislikes-bitchy people, overly cheerful people, overly pessimistic people, people swearing around younger kids (despite swearing all the time), when people change and loosing people she cares about.
Other-if she is a witch she has a pet black cat that pretty much “adopted” her she calls Jinx.
Hope I can help, looking forward to reading. Oh and if you want to change it, it`s completly up to you. I know i`m not muhc of a help.Sorry