Review for Auditions


(#) Psycho_Dame 2011-09-30

Part: any
Name: Ellen
Age: 14 (can be changed)
Gender: Female
Looks: Brown/auburn hair, brown eyes, small nose, no piercings, 5'5", fairly slim, hair slightly past shoulders (quite choppy with a side/sweepy fringe)
Black skinny jeans, red strap top, or a baggy purple blouse. loves to wear caps and converses. Always seen with her watch on (right wrist) sometimes wears black eyeliner
Personality: usually really shy and quite, but when she gets to know people she's really hyper and chatty. really caring and worries a lot. can sometimes get a bit carried away and sometimes takes over in situations. Usually quite carefree about things, but certain things can tick her off. Can be very emotional, but doesnt tend to show it infront of her friends
Part: any (but preferably witch who has recently discovered her powers)
Special powers: telekenisis! mind reading? i dont really mind, go crazy! :P
Car: any. although a motorbike would be awesome :D
Other: loves to read, and is very passionate about science, hates spiders,sings, plays bass, loves rock music, speaks german, french & chinese. Really likes learning new things