Review for WATCHMEN


(#) Apocalyto 2011-10-01

Real Name: Chloe Walsh

Watchman name: Atomic Detonator

Costume: This, but with no tiara and choker and in black and yellow xD

Looks: Naturally blue eyes, but they can turn into the radioactive sign (I know it's weird), long wavy black hair with yellow fringe (not blonde, yellow) with fringe over one eye (hides behind hair when embarrassed), average size and pale.

Personality: Funny, cocky, hyper sometimes, shy around strangers, slight insecurity issues, quiet at times, talkative, but sometimes doesn't talk to anyone at all for ages, kind, motherly to kids, aggressive, loves a good fight, really protective over younger brother, blushes really badly when embarrassed, smart and book worm.

Power: Can create radiation, making anything melt (even enemies) and shot balls of energy that instantly kill someone.

Weaknesses: Family, water (loves to swim, but can't use powers when in water) and anything else that can kill people other then getting radiation.

Relationships with other characters(not neaserily romantic): Erm...just friends with them, but can I have a crush on someone? I don't mind who it is.

Why you left the watchmen: Couldn't put her family in danger anymore if she got revealed.

Sexuality: Straight

Dislikes and things that get you angry: Liars, abusers, criminals, snobs and seeing people cry (it just upsets her).

What you have solved using your powers (like what wars you have ended and stuff they can be fictional): Just the usual stuff, nothing much. Robbery's and stuff.

Family: Parents, two little sisters (10 and 12) and little brother (14).

When are you starting it? It sounds awesome :)