name : Gia Russo
age : 17
looks: black meidum length layered hair with burgundy highlights. 5'5, slender frame, tan skin. Half italian/half mexican. Dark brown eyes. Lip ring.
Personality: outgoing, talktative, very expressive, melodramatic, humorous, caring, protective of self and others. Has a big heart, sometimes taken advantage of becaue of it. Stubborn. Intelligent. Determined. Unique. Apathetic to the world. A good listener.
famous person : Bob Bryar?
story: would it be possible that Bob's like my bully? Like he picks on me a lot and it's dragging me down, like really depressing, but really he has a reason for it?
Anything else : I'm a vegeterian :P
Author's response
I love the story plot. A full story, totally!