Review for Come On Angel Don`t You Cry

Come On Angel Don`t You Cry

(#) ilovefrankieieroxx 2011-10-08

I got forced to go the pumpkin parade i was cold!!! i only went cause i was allowed to dress up so i went as a flapper/gangster person thing, i wore a purple Motown dress, black leggings, mon's black dolly shoes, black coat, black bike gloves cause they look like leather gloves and a toy gun cause i'm amazing and mon (monique i call her mon when i can't be bothered to say her name) went with me and she wore my nirvana shirt, her school skirt and tights, my converse and my cardigan.

Thank you for reading "Don't call me scarface" i'm still need to work on some research but what i found funny was yesterday in history we got to pick characters from a box and we have to be that character and bring accessories into school on monday to help us get into charter, my friend is a member of the KKK well actually she picked out al capone and i picked out member of the KKK but rachel is racist so she would be better and i think al capone is amazing so we swapped so i'm going to try and find a fedora hat and i'm going to make a cigar out of paper and i'm going to watch Al Capone films for homework ;) thank you for reading the vampire one i shall write more when i can i LOVE the danger days one it's epic!!!

Rosie :)

Author's response

Your costume sounds cool, really, really cool. I really liked your new story as well. I meant to update but I didn`t get a chance, I may update in a bit or if not tommorow definetly. It would probbaly be later in the day though as I`m hanging out with steph the whole day, but I will get the next chapter up soon as I can. That is pretty funny about the whole Al Capone thing considering. Hope your weekend has been okay so far, sucks it is sunday tommorow. I am dreading monday
xoxodakota :) HA.