Review for Auditions!


(#) Gerardwayiscute 2011-10-16

Name-Jasmine Price. Age-21. Looks-long straight dark brown hair with purple highlights, dark brown eyes that always show emotion, pale skin, has cuts on her wrists, wears black nail polish all the time, she always wears a silver heart shaped necklace, 5'4 and really skinny. How you died-Suicide. She was depressed cuz her life was shit. So she locked herself in her room, turned on her favorite song Flightless Bird, American Mouth by Iron & Wine, got her razor blade and started cutting deep. Good or bad-Good. How you let them know your there-she would be singing a little of the song she died to. And she would also tickle you. If there is anything you want to do-help them when they are in trouble. Anything else-she loves red and white roses.