Review for Auditions!


(#) fatherfuckingmeese 2011-10-16

Name: Tanner Riley
Age: 7
Looks: tiny, big black eyes with blood dripping from them, thick black bruise around neck, pale, has stitches on mouth, black messy hair. Wears a short 1800's style black dress with a white bloody pinafore.
How you died: Lived in an orphanage in with older brother, the older brother wasn't mentally stable, witnesses older brother murder a fellow orphan, he then finds out she saw, and gouges her eyes and stitches her mouth closed so she'll never be able tell people what she saw even if she tries to haunt him. Is then hung by her brother.
Good, bad or demonic: Demonic!!! :D
How you let them know you are here: turns on radio loudly and plays 'ring around the rosy', 'makes' small bloody handprints appear on the was, makes lights go out and when they come on there is a noose hanging above them, they can also hear childish giggles around them and a little girl's voice saying 'come find me' or 'I'm gonna get you!'.
If there is anything you want to do to the bandmembers: Tries to kill Frank because he looks like her brother, posesses Mikey and tries to talk through him, makes little cuts appear all over Gerard's face, doesn't hurt Ray because she likes him.
Anything else: Isn't exactly "bad", she only wants to posess Mikey so she can live again. Only wants revenge on Frank because she thinks he's her brother. Tries to speak through the Oujja board so she can tell them what happened and get justice. Was Italian.