Review for Auditions°-°•.•


(#) fatherfuckingmeese 2011-10-17

Name: Tanner Riley
Age: Around MCR's or whatever works
Monster: Werewolf! :)
Part: Oooh Frankie or Ray's girlfriend. :D Pretty please?
Looks: Short, teased black hair with purple ribbon headband, has fringe, big sparkly brown eyes, wears eyeliner that makes me look kinda like a raccoon, two tatoos on neck, two lip rings.
Wears colourful tutus or black skinnies, yellow or black converse, black lace fingerless gloves, band tees, unicorn hat!, (fake) wolf tail, sometimes furry wolf-like boots.
Gender: Girl. Unless I'm actually a creepy homeless man from the sewers. Just kidding imma lady.
Anything else: I can speak Italian! Oh, and I enjoy playing bass guitar, and I have a deathly phobia of spiders.