Review for Personal Stories :D

Personal Stories :D

(#) MCR_Vampire_321 2011-10-20

Name: Hozzie (Hollie) Bareham
Age: 15
Looks: Dark brown hair with red streaks, blue eyes, contact lenses if I can be bothered but if not then small black glasses, pale skin, long nails that are currently painted pink...
Personality: Shy around 'popular' people, talks a lot around friends, laughs nearly all the time, doesn't really stand up for herself just waits for someone else to defend her, will stand up for her friends though
Genre: Romance
Famous Person you want to be with(doesn't have to be the guys in MCR if you don't wanna): Mikey Way :)
Back Round Story(optional): Me and my Ma just moved over from England, my Dad was really abusive and we decided we needed a new start :) So I met Mikey at my new school in America...
what you want your story to be about: The popular crowd are making fun of the way I talk and how I look and stuff and Mikey sticks up for me and at the end we fall in love :3
anything else?: Not really :D