Review for Auditions!!!! :D

Auditions!!!! :D

(#) TheAnonymous 2011-10-24

Name Peter Welshire

Gender Male

Age (If your character is dead, then this will be the age they died) 25

Hair Color A natural Black

Eye Color Gray

Appearance: Very tall and thin. Choppy hair that hangs in his face. Dark purple underneath his eyes. Crooked smile that's somehow quite charming.

Personality Interested in a lot of dark things, like death. A bit of a loner, but very sweet and would help out anyone.

Piercings, tattoos, flaws, etc Has a rather large scar on his chest.

Likes Graveyards, night time, books, fairy tale's, stories. Anything that seems to take him away from home.

Dislikes People that make fun of him, mirrors, schools and when people think that there is only the living world.

Anything Else? He reads a lot about the dead and old folklore.