Review for Auditions!


(#) XsomeonesaveusX 2011-10-24

Name: Zoe
Age: 13
Looks (I will only have a few ghost's who show themselves):Black wavy hair, bright blue eyes, pale skin
How you died: Bled to death from cuts
If you are good, bad or demonic: Kind of in the middle. Think Snape from HP
How you let them know you are there: Sings "The Only Exception-Paramore"
If their is anything you want to do(e.g. hurt one of the band memebers): Follows Mikey around, whispering dark thoughts in his ear, but also words of wisdom and advice
Anything else:Only Mikey knows she's there

Sorry Im late, but Ive just read the story and wanna be in it. I love it