Review for auditions


(#) ShutTheFuckUp 2011-10-24

Gee's, Bob's, Ray's girlfriend I'm really not picky xD

Name: Hayley Meredith

Looks: Short choppy black hair with red tips and fringe. Small skinny frame, 5'8 tall, pail bright blue eyes.Wears thick eyeliner, Red lipstick and dark eye shadow. (Blacks and dark reds)

Outfit: Red Corset, black super skinny jeans black and red converse with neon green laces.

Personality: Funny, sarcastic as hell, dirty minded, likes to crack a joke but if you piss her off in ANY way she will rip your heart out and shove it so far up your arse, doesn't like to talk about her past.

Likes: Daydreaming, singing, playing her bass guitar, drawing, listening to music.

Dislikes: Being picked up (She will hurt anyone who lifts her off the ground!), jocks, bullies, people who lie, cheaters, bitches (Including her sister at times) and thunder.

Back-story: Moved to belleville, new jersey (Or where-ever you set this story) from london, england when both of her parents were killed in a car crash, she now lives with her crazy uncle who beats her.

Anything else?:claustrophobic (fear of small spaces) and she is Monophobic (Fear of being alone) Dyslexic, Is a twin and is four minutes older and cuts.

And for the bitchy girl: Could she maybe have a HUGE crush on frankie??

Name: Samantha Meredith (And yes you've guessed it, she's Hayley's twin xD ) but likes to be called sammy or sam.

Looks: Long blonde hair (Most are extensions), plastered with fake tan, and make-up bright eye make-up pink lipstick and cheeks. Same blue eyes as Hayley, 5'6, very small frame.

Outfit: Ether tank tops that show cleavage and skirts that are like belts or very short dresses, Always wears a pair of high heels (At least 6 inch)

Personality: Well bitchy? Acts nice and friendly in front of adults and teachers but as soon as their back is turned, she will bite your head off if you even look at her.

Likes: Bullying people for being different, being a bitch, fucking things up (E.G. Relationships and basically Hayley's life.) Shopping and being fake.

Dislikes: Emo's, people who are not 'popular' Rock music, lightening, when her phone dies.

Back-story: Same as Hayley's but Sam isn't beaten because her uncle likes her but she does get worried when Hayley is beaten and makes sure she's okay (Only if her friends aren't around)

Anything else?: Secretly wishes she was Hayley, with real friends and people who like her for who she is, likes frank, Her and Hayley get on sometimes and sam hates it when she see's that Hayley has cut. Can get very protective over her sister.

:) Hope this helped :D Cant wait to read Ruby Explosion xoxo