Review for Am I alone?

Am I alone?

(#) RestlessStars 2011-10-24

Wow hun, you may just be talking about my parents as well. I don't bring friends home because my mom and her boyfriend like to fight. Often. One time they took me and my friend to Magic Mountain and ended up fighting in the car to the point where they water at each other, which landed on me and my friend instead. Oh yeah, my mom's boyfriend also ripped up my friend's ticket on accident while trying to piss my mom off by ripping up her ticket. I literally got out of the car and cried and apologized to my best friend because I felt utterly humilitated.

I know that might sound irrelevant, but I just wanted to make a point and let you know I understand what you're going through. You just have stick to your guns and ignore them because that's all you can do. Keep your head up because one day it''ll change, I'm sure of it.

Keep strong. If you ever need to vent to someone, I know you don't know me, but I'm a great listener.

Xo Lissa