Review for Auditions!!!! :D

Auditions!!!! :D

(#) KelseyChem 2011-10-31


Name Stormi

Gender female

Age (If your character is dead, then this will be the age they died) 17 (and she is dead)

Hair Color black with blue highlights

Eye Color blue (like mine, but prettier)

Appearance short and curvy, yet skinny, with long black hair with blue highlights and blue eyes. her name suits her :3

Personality shy and quiet and sweet most of the time, but deppressed also. however, shes much happier now shes dead, and away from mean people

Piercings, tattoos, flaws, etc ears peirced 3 times, black lipring, and a tattoo of a black, twisted tree on her side, with small blue flowers on it

Likes MCRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR, people who listen to her, hugs, animals, heavy eye makeup.

Dislikes spiders, mean people, tans, bleach blonde hair, alcohol, being alone

Anything Else? she has a pet cat (also dead) named Pieces.