Review for Auditions XD

Auditions XD

(#) MCRmy- 2011-11-01

Gender - Female

Name - Joanne(make up last name if you need one?)

Nickname - Joey/Jo/Anna(prefers Joey)

Age - 14-18(whatever age works)

Looks - brown hair w/purple tips(about 4 inches past shoulder length)fringe part to the right, partialy covering her eye/face, pale-ish&skinny-ish, 5'4, green eyes&&glasses

Usual clothing -grey or black skinnies, band t-shirt or long sleeve black/white striped shirt and navy blue converse

Hobbies/interests -writing, mostly poetry, drawing, and her black/sparkly bass.

Personality -shy. VERY shy. keeps to herself alot, quiet, is always buried in a book or her writing/sketching. when she does talk, it either cheers someone up or is great advice.

Girlfriend/Boyfriend you want - Mikey! Mikey, Mikey, Mikey effing Way! :D

Fears - that if she messes up, or does something wrong, she could loose all that she knows and loves.(why she keeps to herself)

Anything you want to add - i want to add a smiley face. :D