Review for Auditions XD

Auditions XD

(#) jodiethejodster 2011-11-05

Name- Jodie Lancaster

Nickname- Doddy, Jods, J,

Age- 13 (or any age XD)

Looks- Medium length dyed black hair,green eyes, small lips, always wears mascara, 4'9,weird scar on left hand middle finger from hamster.

Usual Clothing- Leggings, Flowy floral top, demin converse

Hobbies/Intrests- Video games, writing, singing when no-ones around, drawing

Personality- Out going, Fun, immature at times, extremely smart, hyper

Girlfriend/Boyfriend- says all boys are idiots but doesn't mean it XD, Doesn't think it's wrong for girls to be with girls.

Fears- Ghosts, Zombies, Vampires, Anything that falls into a horror movie, Spiders, death.

Anything you want to add- Has an unhealthy obessions with badges and loves to help every/ make people smile.

Oh god. I just summed up myself except a bit more childish.
I am so lame XD

And I don't expect you to use this monstrosty. XD

Enjoy writting yo story!