Review for auditions


(#) Wolfwing 2011-11-05

Here's a guy if u needed :)

Name : Faith Wing

Age: 17

Looks: Like Mikey during the Black parade Era

Outfits: Black hoodie or Dark Blue Windsor hoodie, black skinny jeans, black and neon green converse

personality: Daydreams alot, doesnt give a sh!t about what people say, secretive, doesn't really socialize

Likes: Jelly beans, Taekwondo, bass guitar

Dislikes:Jocks, bitches, homework

Backstory: He lives with his elders brother,Zero Wing(4 years older), their parents are dead, he works part time sometimes.

Anything else: he practically breaks the bones of jocks who so much as lay a finger on him, he's a black belt so he's strong and all, he and his brother likes to kiss(on lips :P)