ah this is so good I read it all this afternoon during my free periods instead of doing homework. heheh...anywho THIS IS SO AWESOME. I love the way you're writing Frank, because it makes him seem innocent but hot at the same time and I don't even know how to explain it but it's so good :3
please update soon! also, if you need to bounce plot ideas for after Frankie's birthday, let me know and I'd be happy to chat :)
Author's response
Oh, thank you so much! I have the warm fuzzies. There's nothing better than skipping school to read fanfiction...seriously, it means a lot that you like it. I'd love to talk plot with you, if you don't mind me ruining the suspense...we can chat here, if you don't mind reviewing a lot, or my email is cocokitty63@gmail.com, just put your ficwad name in the header so i know who you are. I'd love to make this go on, but plot is not my strong suit :L Again, thank you bazillions, you're wonderful and I hope you keep reading!!! xo b_b