Review for Come On Angel Don`t You Cry

Come On Angel Don`t You Cry

(#) ilovefrankieieroxx 2011-11-22

Yes i do my friends LOVE me. I am their leader and they worship me!!!! I'm joking if i said that to them they'll tell me to fuck off but aw well. Eh that's usual for Ashley. She over a head shorter than me!!! She reaches about my shoulder if she's lucky. I tower over her it's quite funny. Boobs? really? boobs? How old are you? That would be really awkward :3 Oh one of my best friends in primary school still likes she we get along and for fun she calls me a "Freaky emo goth" she said in health and social she's got 200 christmas cards to send!!!! 200!!!!!!! HA I AM AMAZING COMEDY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH -thunder and lightening in the background for evil effect-

Rosie :)

Author's response

It sounds like they love you, you all sound so nice, always beating the shit out of each other. Oh well me and steph do that a lot and have the stupidest arguments. We all pick on callum a lot as well, I suppose I shouldn’t, seeing as we`re together and have been friends since we were little, but it is too funny. I am four years old, got a problem with it?!! It was pretty awkward I was just being shouted at for saying that in front of him and he kept bugging me for weeks after cause he wanted to know what it meant. Only two more days to the weekend, this week is seriously dragging by. I went up town earlier with callum and he kept complaining because I apparently took forever looking at the jewellery. Hey I just got my ears re pierced (twice on the lobes) after some little shit ripped them a few years ago and they have only just healed properly so excuse me if I want new earrings. I kicked him really hard in a certain area, lets just say I hope he doesn’t want kids when he`s older… Everyone was there when I got them done and it was funny as Lizzie and Callum HATE needles or anything resembling them. And yet she has tattoos…
I`m going to try and get the next chapter of as your nightmare comes to life, keep an eye out for it/let me know what you think of it?