Review for Auditions


(#) ZombieSlayer13x 2011-11-28

Oooh sounds fun!! :X

Role you want/which band/which member: Can I be Wes's or David's love interest? Thanks!

Name: Alexandria Dye

Age: Whatever you need/want

Looks: She's 5 foot 1 and 1/2 inches, Chinese, she has chocolatey brown eyes and black "emo" styled hair. She has glassles for far away but she only wears them when she watches movies or TV.

Personality: Bookworm, shy, independent, kind of antisocial, honest, self-conscious, loyal, good listener. Only speaks when spoken too kind of person. She is very bubbly and outgoing with friends, very nice and caring, but sarcastic and witty when she has to be. A rebel with a, "takes no shit", attitude.


How they react to conflict: She doesn't like it. She tries to avoid conflict as much as possible, but if she does get in it, she uses her brains to try and worm her way out.

Likes: Art, drawing, rock/alternative/screamo music, nature, long walks in the woods alone, reading, and instruments.

Dislikes: Brussel sprouts, trends.

Pet peeves: None I can think of ATM.

Type of people they get along with: Nice, friendly, crazy people. She really likes people who aren't like her.

Type of people they dont get along with: Snobs, preps, braggarts, mean people, racists, homophobes, people just like her, or people who only follow the trends.

Anything else I should know: She's a good artist and aspires to be one one day. She plays the piano and bass guitar. She loves nature and stands against animal cruelty.

Thanks! Good luck with the fic! XD