Review for Auditions for Killjoy Story

Auditions for Killjoy Story

(#) XxxFallenAngelXxxx 2011-12-02

Name-Toxic Rose nicknamed Rose or sometimes gets called Rosie even though everyone knows if annoys her. Is named Rose in memor of her little sister and because se finds roses romantic.
Real name-Dakota Nyx (Dakota means friend or ally, Nyx means night)
Looks-waist length black and red hair-black underneath red on top. Cut into lots of different layers, never too neat. Threatens to cut it off as it annoys her but Jamie won’t let her. Is either left down or tied into a messy ponytail or sometimes two bunches/pigtails. Emerald green eyes often outlined with black or red eyeliner, red lips, pale. Average height and weight but very underdeveloped-no hips/breast. Very self conscious of this and maybe gets teased about it a little?. Tattoo of a rose on her foot and the name “Dakota” on her left wrist and “Rose” on the other. (Rose was her little sisters name) nose, tongue, lip, belly button and ears pierced-twice on the lobes and a rook. Has two black bats tattooed behind her ears and a music note on her left wrist.
Outfit- Bright red ripped at the knees skinnies, black knee high studded boots-keeps a knife in left one. A black top with random bits of silver and a bleeding red rose on it surrounded by skulls. Wears a silver locket tucked into her shirt with an old, torn photo of her, her sister and old best friend, Jamie in a group hug. Pinkish red wristband saying “fuck all authority” written in black. A long sleeved black leather jacket that has quite pointed shoulder with spikes on that is covered in patches and the occasional spot of blood.
Personality-kind but thinks worst of herself. Loyal friend. Crazy and random, morbid. Not someone you want to get on the bad side of. Don’t piss her off if you enjoy living, as she will kill you, slowly. Seeks revenge a lot-doesn’t forgive easily. Very protective of her friends. Very sarcastic. Can be quite violent and doesn’t always think things through before acting. Speaks her mind. Secretly may be in love with Toxic faith-not really too sure as she has never been in a relationship before as her parents didn’t work out well. Has a bit of a trust issue but is a good person to know. Not the most affectionate person as she was never shown much by her parents, loves music and animals, kids (she is surprisingly goo with children) and hates being told what to do, not a leader but not really a follower either. Has her own opinion and very difficult to change her mind. Can sometimes hurt people by accident by her “I`m gonna live life the way I fucking want to” attitude but has a kind heart. Is a little afraid of love and becoming too attached to people in fear of losing them, but secretly likes and wants to feel loved and important to people. Stands up for her friends and others all the time. brave, can be quite reckless and hot headed, can talk her way out if pretty much anything and is a quick thinker. Smart-as in school smart and street smart, a good fighter, never turns her back on someone. Regrets easily and blames herself a lot. sees the bad in the world far too easily and cant always see the good, but she tries her best to. Believes there is good and evil in everyone. hates spineless people, all the isms and being told she can’t do something.
Ray gun-matches her top-skulls and bleeding roses on it.
past-she was born in BAttery City but doens`t remmber it much, all she knows is that she didn`t think something was right about it. Her father and mother were killed, and they were left homelss so she, Toxic Faith(her old best friend, James/Jamie) and her little sister (rose) ran away out into the zones. She and Toxic Faith/Jamie got away but Rose was killed. Thlae both regreted it and blamed themselves. The two were seperated and she wondered about on her own for a while.
Mask- red with a black rose (fake) on the top left hand corner of it. The eye holes are in the shape of stars.
erm...I don`t mind, either of them.
I hope I can helo, this sounds cool.