Review for Auditions!


(#) SweetDreamsHoney 2011-12-03

Name-Hannah. Age-anything is fine. Looks-black straightened hair, stormy grey eyes, light colored skin, full chapped lips, perfect cheek bones, perfect white teeth, has a birth mark on her stomach, big breasts, skinny arms, skinny legs, boney, 5'7, and curvy. Piercings-ears are pierced once, and used to have her nose pierced but it was a mistake because she couldn't smell from the left side for a week. Tattoos-has a broken heart on her left ankle, live on her right wrist, and a rose on her back. Personality-nice, supportive, motherly, sweet, loves to hug, cries easily, very delicate, punches hard. Usual clothes-she wears random shirts, skinnys and any kind of shoe. Part-can I be the mother. Anything else-she has an old fashioned car.