Review for AUDITIONS XX :D


(#) xxFamousLastWordsxx 2011-12-06

The killjoy that likes gerard (poison)

Name: Ella Vietnam

Killjoy Name: Radioactive Romance

Age: whatever fits :P

Gender: female

Personality: outgoing, not afraid to try things, speaks her mind, always up for a challenge and never backs down, stands up for her friends, is very trustworthy, loves music and drawing.

Clothes: black tanktop with black leather jacket with her enitial's on the back in red. Black skirt goes above knee with studded belt and black knee high converse

Looks, split for details

Hair colour: jet black

Hair style: long and curly

Eye colour: blue

Skin tone: pale

Height : 5'5

Body size: whatever

Tattoos or piercings or anything else for looks : red rose on wrist

Voice (soft or rough or something) : confident

Likes: skittles and art and music

Dislikes: people that insult her freinds and family

Fear: spiders

Anything else : nothing else XD

Good luck !! hoep this is enough ;D