Part: The killjoy who likes Mikey/Kobra or the one who likes Ray/Jet :3
Name: Hozzie (Hollie) Nicole Bareham
Killjoy Name: Artistic Accident
Age: 15 but change if yew need to :D
Gender: Female
Personality: Shy around certain people, never shuts up around friends, when I daydream I look pretty moody but I'm not a moody person, I love making people laugh, if someone's upset then I don't really know what to do so I usually just hug them, I love hugs ;) If someone is mean to me then I don't really know what to do, I wait for someone to stick up for me. But I stick up for my friends automatically.
Clothes: You mean my costume or regular clothes? My killjoy costume is pink tartan jeans, David & Goliath 'Toasty' tee-shirt, rainbow leg-warmers, pink doc martins and grey arm-warmers.
My normal clothes are baggy jeans, band tee-shirts and any kinda converse.
Looks, split for details
Hair colour: Brown with red streaks (Naturally blonde)
Hair style: Wavy, just past shoulders
Eye colour: Blue
Skin tone: Pale white
Height : Just below average for my age
Body size: 10 stone
Tattoos or piercings or anything else for looks : Nose piercing, both ears pierced but that's about it.
Voice (soft or rough or something) : High-pitched, gets really high when I'm excited/scared about something
Likes: Music, my friends, laughing, hugs, reading, writing, singing.
Dislikes: Hypocrits, discrimination of any kind, homophobia, fake people, Maths.
Fear: The dark, being caught by BLI.
Anything else: I hate talking about my past, only trust certain people.