Review for Why does My Chemical Romance suck so much?

Why does My Chemical Romance suck so much?

(#) SyraStrange 2011-12-13

FUCK YES! Another update; you, my dear, are a fucking amazing piece of work. Not ONLY have you opened my eyes to the way you see our fucked up world; you've also gained the most respect I have ever given to a hater! Well done. -slowly claps- Well done. Not only have you bothered to search this; you've made an account and written here! A fucking amazing piece of work.

Actually I'm asian. Oh, but my family is working class. They didn't save my life though. It may be a bit extreme to say that they did, but for some people it's true. What the fuck does "emo" mean? Seriously, could you explain that to me? Yeah, anyway great job, write again soon! :D