Review for Why does My Chemical Romance suck so much?

Why does My Chemical Romance suck so much?

(#) CypherDetonation 2011-12-13

Prove that you're grown up. Accept the fact that we like this band, and not all of us are, as you put it, 'emo whores.' Because last I checked, a whore is someone who sleeps around a lot, and I'm a virgin. As long as you can't accept the fact that people have different veiws from you, you're an ignorant child to me.

Author's response

You guys are whores for attention. It becomes obvious when you guys delibrately make yourselves stand out from a crowd and tell everyone that you're depressed. Oh, boo-fucking-hoo, it's not the end of the world that you'll never get a boyfriend. It's no one's fault that you lack an enjoyable personality except your own.