Review for Why does My Chemical Romance suck so much?

Why does My Chemical Romance suck so much?

(#) Sarahkilljoykid 2011-12-13

you know what? You are calling us attention whores, but who is the one posting hate about My Chemical Romance fans on a My Chemical Romance site? This is just a sad attempt for you to get more attention and to try and bring others down to your sad pathetic level. You say we're pathetic for saying MCR saved our lives? at least they aren't trying to ruin peoples lives, unlike you. If listening to MCR makes some people happy, why is that such a bad thing? If someone said MCR saved their life, that just means that they made them happy, and because they are happy, you call them attention seeking whores? dressing differently doesn't matter, Image is only skin deep, it's what's on the inside that counts.
also, the term 'emo' was originally used to classify a genre of music, so you just called us a genre of music fuck-tard.
MCR's music makes us happy, and for that we are better off.
I hope that you can become more mature and realize how wrong what you are doing is, for if you can not, there is really no hope for you. MCR may have helped save peoples lives, but they had to be willing to be saved in the first place.