Review for Why does My Chemical Romance suck so much?

Why does My Chemical Romance suck so much?

(#) xXLaylaxX 2011-12-13

You know what I don't understand? You call us attention seekers but you're posting on a fan-fiction site for My Chemical Romance with the sole purpose of getting the repsonse that you got. Congradufuckinglations.

I myself have gone through suicidal depression and I can honestly say that My Chemical Romance has saved me. If you accually gave a shit about humanity you would judge others.

For me, listening to MCR is my form of therapy, why do you feel the intense need to judge me for that?

But I guess in the end of the day, all you are is a attention seeking dick face.

Do us all a favour and stop posting shit like this.

And your account has nothing except for postings that belittle MCR. Does that in any shape or form make your life any better?

Goddamn troll. Fuck you