Review for God Has No Place Here

God Has No Place Here

(#) Kettles 2006-10-18

woot! review for you!

good chappies, the only problems are grammatical and technical. so, now for my random commentary!

hmmm....i think Lucinda and Twiggy are related..... I mean, then could both slip through the floorboards....

gosh, herkie, you should stop refrigerating your vampires ^^ elaborate cough: Liam's always cold

when i started reading the secrets chapter, i thought you were going to drag out the whole "what is he" deal, so i thought you were moving a bit too fast with it, but then i started thinking, and you know, it would be hard to keep the fact that you're a....gaspgasp.....a secret, so kudos.

good detail and imagery, write more or i'll have to revert to cannibalism in a sing-song voice

lovs lovs!