Review for Personalised Stories.

Personalised Stories.

(#) ZombieSlayer13x 2011-12-15

lol OMG i love these!

Name: Alexandria Valentine

Age: Whatever fits!

What era you would like it to be set in (bullets, revenge, black parade, danger days): Black parade :X

If you want to be with any of the MCR guys, who: Frank!

Description: 5 foot 1 and 1/2 inches tall, dark brown almond shaped eyes, long, jet black hair with tons of layers and a side fringe. She's Chinese.

Likes: Animals, nature, art, rock/metal/alternative music, reading, candy and sweets, holidays! She goes all out lol.

Dislikes: Homophobes, racists, snobs, preps, air-heads, animal abusers, hypocrites, people like her.

What you want it to be about?: Can it just be a cute, fluffy, one-shot? A Christmas one. Maybe right after a gig or during a band party :D

Anything else?: She had four ear piercings and loves wearing cute, punky, unusual outfits.