Review for Personalised Stories.

Personalised Stories.

(#) killjoys 2011-12-15

Name: Mary

Age: 23

What era you would like it to be set in (bullets, revenge, black parade, danger days): Revenge aka the best era in my opinion :)

If you want to be with any of the MCR guys, who: Gerard or Frank.. leave it open.. I am not to fussy

Description: 5'4 redish brown hair, blue eyes, a tattoo of a butterfly on my wrist

Likes: music, comics, horror films

Dislikes: spider, heights

What you want it to be about?:
about, thats a tough one, Serectly liking which ever guy, for ages when they back off tour they come into my coffee shop, and I act all nervous like a fan, until one day they make the first move :)

Anything else?: erm I dont think so.. not that I can think of right now anyway