30th chapter!!! That's a lot of writing. Magnificent writing of course. Anyway, I really liked that this was in Mikey's point of view. It was interesting to hear snippets of the converstion between Gerard and Frank. I really like the fight Mikey was having with himself about whether he wanted to die or to live. I think it was a little bit of both. And also a little bot of neither. Of course death would mean he doesn't have to make Gerard worry about him and he won't have to hear Frank call Gerard 'Honey' and he won't have to be called terrible names ever again. Death is the quick escape he wants, but he doesn't deserve that. He deserves to be hear on earth where the other kids hit him and call him names and Frank pushes him away. But, he really just wants to live and have fun and not be so worthless, not just exist, not just be someone that everybody can hurt all the time. Now he's just taking up space that could be for someone better than him, someone who was important, someone who didn't stutter. If he did have the kind of life where one can have fun and all that stuff there's more possibility of getting hurt by people, no just Frank, not just Gerard, though he knows(thinks it couldn't have been any less of the truth) it was his fault that they hurt him. That's sorta why I think he wants to both live and die, but he also wants neither. It's not really a confusing concept, I just can't explain it well. I really liked how he blames himself for everything. It's his fault that Gerard and him had problems. He's the one that's the bad brother, he's the one that changed, not Gerard. Gerard's still a good big brother, a great one, but Mikey made him seem like a bad one because he needs so much protection and he's so selfish. In a way, he's kind of killed him, like you said in the story. I really liked this chapter. It's one of my favorites. Great job!!
Author's response
Thank you very much!
YAY 30th chapter; this is deffinitely the longest thing I've ever written at just over 100,000 words. The next longest I've ever written is around 12,000 words so writing something this long is completely new to me; I just hope that it's not being dragged out!
Your interpritation of this was exacty what I was trying to get out through this chapter. He wants the pain to stop and he wants to start living a normal life; but he thinks the only way to stop the pain is to stop the life. He's kinda gone beyond just thinking that everything's his fault; it's like he knows it's his fault.
Thank you sooooo much for taking the time to review! :)