Fuck it; just because I fell down a few steps of stairs doesn't mean I'm dead, Mom. She was crying over me like I was breathing my last breath or something. Oh. I see you've met Azure. Hope she hasn't cussed you out or something, she tends to do that a lot. Anyway. OMFG IT'S OVER!?!?!?! WHOAAAAA..... AND YOU GOT AZURE TO SMILE!?!!? You're magical.... I'd like an epilogue. It would be nice to read about how the three are doing. :D HOLY SHITE I JUST REALIZED SHE DIDN'T SWEAR IN THAT WHOLE REVIEW!!!! YOU'RE A MIRACLE WORKER!!!!
Mm. I loved this story soo much. I hope you continue writing and never stop. :D Happy holidays! Have a good day.
Author's response
Oh, falling down steps isn't at all nice; I hope that you're alright!
I think that I will do an epilogue chapter; perhaps either Mikey starting at a new school (as Gerard said he could to escape the bullies) or maybe something Christmassy? Either way, it should probably be up by tonight!
Thank you so very much; I'm so glad that you liked this story! I don't think that I'll ever want to stop writing, I enjoy it way too much even if most of the stuff I write is depressing/boring/crap. I just love writing too much to stop.
Merry Christmas and thank you for taking the time to review! :D