Review for *********AUDITIONS****


(#) XxxFallenAngelXxxx 2012-01-01

Name: Ashling Wylde (pronounced wild) but prefers to be called ash, sometimes called asha but it annoys her a bit.
Appearance: she has curly hair that reaches her waist, quite messy and untameable bit still manages to look nice. She has bright, almond shaped and alert amber eyes that clearly sow her emotions. A few freckles on her nose. Fair skinned and tans very easily-much to her annoyance. Petite and slender, very small breasts and is quite self conscious of this. Gets teased a little? She has her ears pierced twice on the lobes and a silver ring in her nose. Short, bitten nails always painted sky blue that is always chipped and peeling off. Holly red lips, eyes lightly outlined with either black or sometimes blue eyeliner. Wears a little mascara and sometimes a little foundation but no other makeup.
clothes: a sort of rocker chick thing going on. mixes darker things with things that a little (not too much) girlier. Like a leather jacket and biker boots with a brighter coloured shirt with maybe a weird slogan or picture on it. wears a skull bow in her hair on the left side. Wears lots of old quirky necklaces and layers lots of friendship style bracelets onto her wrists.
Behavior: she is either very loud or very quiet, it is not a good sign when she is quiet though it often means she is thinking too much. Regrets easily, finds it hard to make decisions but will follow them through when her mind is made up. Not the most outgoing of people, shy around large groups of people though it doesn`t show too badly. Is hyper when she drinks/eats anything with lots of sugar, not normally a violent person but not afraid to stand up for herself. Doesn`t swear a lot but says stuff like fricken hell or says she is really Peed off if that makes any sense. Often comes up with the most random of things to say in a conversation that are quite interesting though. quite funny, kind, likes helping people, good at giving advice. Not a total pushover or anything though.

Level of Self confidence: not too outgoing, but not too shy either. Not the most self confident person, but is happy in her little group of friends.
Problems: erm she isn`t too happy with her looks-her lack of chest to be precise and wishes she was prettier. Gets too attached to things, finds it hard to let go sometimes. is afraid of long silences, fire and water-she can`t swim.
Likes/Dislikes: rock music, old, decent pop music, animals, kids, nature, long walks, her friends, learning different things, art, English, history and concerts,
Talents (not supernatural): she is good at martial arts, can play the piano and is very good with animals and children.
Nervous HAbits: nibbles on her lower lip a lot, twirls her hair which may seem like she is flirting but she isn`t, mumbles and looks around the room unable to meet people`s eyes.
Quirks: skips every second stair on the staircase, says weird stuff when she answer her phone/has weird answer phone messages, makes wishes at 12:34 instead of 11:11 cause time is in order like 1234, and she is quite funny about personal space-doesn`t like hugs.
Music tastes (its ok if they like pop too): I said in likes but here it is again-any kind of rock and older, decent pop music, oh and anything with good, meaningful lyrics.
Are they considered beautiful by others? She is quite pretty, in a way that is different to a lot of other girls. She is small, slender and doesn`t try to fit into the popular view of beauty.
Do they believe themselves to be beautiful? Not really, she sees herself as okay, but tries not to look in mirrors much and finds compliments hard to believe.
Sexuality: she is bi but only those closest to her know. prefers girls though
Religious beliefs: doesn`t know what to believe, firmly believes in sprits and an afterlife but not in a god specifically.
How strongly does their religion (or lack thereof) influence their personality? She finds it hard to be around overly religious people that try to cram it down your throat but otherwise it doesn`t bother her what others like to believe.
Animal(s) you turn into (one, some too): erm like chose an animal? Erm a black panther or maybe a snowy owl? I`d probably prefer the owl as it is something a bit different I think.
Do you get along with other people? Yes, quite well once she gets to know them.
How do you feel about your ability? Why? doesn`t like to mention it much, but not ashamed of it. likes the freedom of being able to fly and the better senses that come with it. sometimes feels like she is stuck between two different worlds though and not sure which she really belongs in.
If you were to see someone else shape shift, after you’ve thought you were all alone, how would you approach them? quite happily, rush over to them and ask loads of questions then suddenly be overcome by embarrassment and shyness.
Frerard or Frikey?
Don`t mind.