Review for *********AUDITIONS****


(#) DisenchantedEnding 2012-01-01

Name: Vanna Kellings

Appearance: Dark gold/dark blonde coloured hair with jagged layers, with the whole of the bottom layers dyed a dark red. She has brown eyes and pale skin, almost white. Her's hair's almost a brown colour. She has a crystal red nose stud. Wears eyeliner that surrounds her whole eyes - black - and mascara, that's it.

Personal, Physical Style: I think this means what she wears? If so, she wears a lot of leather jackets that cut off at the waist. She wears a lot of band tee and red/black skinny jeans, but her favorite it green or red plaid skinny jeans. If she doesn't wear band tees and leather jackets she wears big jumpers. She always has a chain that hangs from her pocket to a belt strap. Wears studded bracelets and a replica of the 'Time Turner' necklace from Harry Potter. She's a size fourteen in tops and jeans, so she's a little bigger than other girls and therefore people bully her a little because of it. :)

Behavior: Shy and blushes easily, laughs at a lot, easy going, but when everything happens at once she stresses really easily. So much so that it can reduce her to tears. She's strong for everyone and doesn't like telling people about her issues and depression because she's worried about their reactions, even when she's on the verge of suicide.

Level of Self confidence: out of ten? 4.

Problems: Her mother's in dept, her Dad dates several Russian woman a year and has an alcohol addiction, and because his girlfriends are Russian he's always in Russia. She's also depressed and her Therapist patronizes her. Her sister has anger issues and her twin sister, Julliet, upsets, stresses her and is mean to her without realizing, but because Vanna's so sensitive, she doesn't realize. She also has asthma that can come in strong bouts, therefore causing absences from school.

Likes: Cats, spaghetti hoops, Cereal, toast, Harry Potter, chains, Sims, drawing, leather, plaid and her Ipod. Her favorite colour's is purple and gray. She loves charm bracelets and wool and her favorite item of clothing is her replica of the 'Time Turner' from Harry Potter. :)

Dislikes: Spiders, falling and beer. Animal cruelty is something she's strongly against, and she's also part of Amnesty International to fight for human rights. :)

Talents (not supernatural): She can play piano. :)

Nervous Habits: scuffs her feet against each other. :)

Quirks: As in? Sorry, I don't get it XD

Music tastes (its ok if they like pop too): She has a VERY varied music taste but she prefers rock, punk and indie. The only music she hates, really, is some types of Dubstep and rap. (She likes Eminem though.)

Are they considered beautiful by others? Yes, she is. More cute then beautiful because of her innocent tendencies, though she swears a lot.

Do they believe themselves to be beautiful? No, she doesn't really.

Sexuality: Bi-curious :)

Religious beliefs: She's an atheist, but she does believe there's some sort of high power.

How strongly does their religion (or lack thereof) influence their personality? She has more of her own theories and beliefs.

Animal(s) you turn into (one, some too): Wolf and a swallow. :)

Do you get along with other people? Yeah, because she's friendly and bubbly, though shy, and laughs at practically anything. :)

How do you feel about your ability? Why? She likes it because Wolves are one of her favorite animals and she has always wanted to fly, hence her liking being a Swallow. :)

If you were to see someone else shapeshift, after youve thought you were all alone, how would you approach them? Hmm... I think she'd kind of just try calm them down and ask if they're alright, then convince them they're seeing things.

DETAILS I FORGOT: Because she plays a lot of violent video games, she's actually very good at defending herself when it comes to fighting.

Frerard or Frikey?: I'll let everyone else decide this, because I don't mind. :)

**This includes a lot of an essence of me and all the problems are my personal issues. Which are actually really bad and very stressful haha.

But uhm.. I hope you like her?**