Review for *********AUDITIONS****


(#) TERRIBLETEEN 2012-01-01


look:short brown black hair with across bangs.Fullfigured,VERY pale fairly okay complection eyes change from brown green and hazle depends on emotions in order sad happy and bored.tall.

dresses in black homade band teeshirts with jeans and converse with leather jacket alot. Loads of eyeliner i have long lashes and dont usually use eyeshadow though.

BEHAVIOR: Im the counsler of my friends if somebody needs advice or somebody to talk to im there for them wheather or not i like what they did. Im very protective,and cautious with new people. I am alittle hypocrytical because i tell everybody to take care of themselves but i dont. I hardly ever sleep in case something happens and someone needs me.Im in luuuuuuuuuv with coffee cant live without it or heads roll. I have a heart of gold i have been told and woulld do anything for a friend but you rub me wrong then youd best watch out. XD

Level of confidence:Acts tough and super confident for others but doubts herself.

Problems:I struggle with the fact that the two girls i have crushes on 1 is in a relationship with another girl and the other has vowed to never love again I struggle with having everybodys problems on my shoulders but i take it anyways.

LIKES/ DISLIKES: I like people who are real with you because if you have the cunts to say something to my face i could give a fuck what you say.I dislike fake and haters (even though they make me famouse)

Talents: writing (somewhat) advice giving,karate,fooseball,cooking, and i sing a little.(stagefright though)

Nervouse habits: shake (scared shitless) tap foot,bites thumb (like L from deathnote XD)

QUIRKS: Blasts music, kicks people in the butt when theyre being stupid,breaks into friends lockers and messes with stuff XD. OH and im saracastic as hell and tend to cuss as seen above .

Music taste :(MCR!!!!!!!!!!!!) but panic!at the disco, misfits, leather mouth , papa roach , maroon 5, metro station, blood on the dance floor, we the kings , joan jett and the blackhearts etc mostly rock .

Do i think im beautiful? Not very given im not fugly but im not very pretty. Others call me pretty though.

Sextuality: Im bi i like guys but as you saw above i also really like girls.

I have no religion though i do respect them all. It doesnt effect me at all either aside from the fact my parents are and try to force it on me.

Animal(s) to transform into : Black panther, black / red dragon (ya i know theyre not real but theyre cool)

How would i approach someone who had my powers too? Id observe then see how things play out. If im comfortable Id ask them about it after id made friends with them..

Frerar or Frikey? I think ill ask for Frikey but Id be cool with Frerard too. If you need to change something leave me a review or something .