I'm so glad I found this fic!! Like, I live under a rock reading the same couple fics but was then like Ooh this looks good and now, well, YAY. xD
Deffo my favourite fic. Like, it's amazing. I have kind of been reading it a couple chapters ago but I didn't know whether to review but yah. And READ your authors notes? Hell, I worship them. You are a amazing writer!! ^.^ Anywayz, rant over x) Update soon and Must. Get. To. Green.!
Author's response
Oh wow. Your review made me so happy I had to show it to my brother and gloat. yeah, I know:L you really have no idea how much that means to me, seriously. your favourite fic? I'm actually honoured that you think that. and I'm glad you like my authors notes, I just say whatever crap comes to my mind in them:3 thank you so much again, and I hope you carry on enjoying it was much as you do now!