Review for ~Auditions~


(#) Mynameisnotimportant 2012-01-02

Okay, here goes nothing!

Name: Valentine Sweeney.
Gender: Male
age: 18
Killjoy name: Slash Mercury
Sexuality: Straight.
Part: Do as you please. If you kill him I will recycle him into another fic.
Appearance: Very pale skin and very very blonde. Freckles on his nose, blue eyes. Scars on his hands, particularly around his fingers. More scars around his eyes. Lip piercing through the centre of lower lip. Skinny.
Clothes: Killjoy: Long sleeves, long pants, doesn't like his scars so he covers them up. Has an infatuation for fingerless gloves. Favourite colour is red. Doesn't really wear a mask, (usually covers face w hood) but his mask is a dinged up silver one he stole.
Clothes, normal: Blue jeans, athletic sneakers, trenchcoat, Ghostbusters tee, stolen Rolex, and aviators.

Personality: Sneaky, slightly homophobic, liar, dealer, self-centered, sort of a prick.
Likes: The colour Red, books (fiction only, and lots of it), Sense and Sensibility, 500 days of Summer, 300, V for Vendetta, Batman, Deadpool, Dr. Who, jogging, Zombies, girl singers with high voices, getting his way, and making lots of money.
Dislikes: Gay people, Nazis, rascists, people who drive slowly, people who don't share cigarettes, power pup, his mum, cell phones, advertisements, stupid people, and getting caught.
Family: His mum's living in Canada. They don't talk.
Back story: Valentine used to be a cab driver and part time bookie. Valentine made a lot of money that way, but didn't spend it. However, he promised Korse that he'd find the Killjoys in order to stay out of prison (tax evasion). V found the Killjoys, but he sort of liked them. So V is now staying with the Killjoys, checking over his shoulder, and bitching about how tough his life is.
Quirks: Tries to Weasel out of things he doesn't want to do, softly sings songs from obscure musicals (like Greenfinch and Linnet bird from Sweeney Todd) and hums the theme song from Up whenever he's in a good mood. Likes quotes from movies, such as "Kid, when I said let's go somewhere like Bolivia, let's go somewhere like Bolivia."
Anything else: Loves thunderstorms, geeks out about superheroes, and likes tough punk rock/goth/grunge girls. He also has a thing for bitchy girls, which puzzles even him. Also goes by V because his full name is a mouthful.

Z end.