Review for ~Auditions~


(#) bloocheese 2012-01-02

Name- Mack Evans
Killjoy Name-Misfit Gunner

Kobra Kid's love interest
Some other killjoys

Appearance; she's tall (5'6) and has mousy brown hair that she plans to dye green soon, dark brown eyes that sometimes look black. she's thin and doesn't have much curves which bothers her because she thinks her body looks like an 11-year-old boy's. she's very pale and can't tan at all. she wears eyeliner once in a while.

Normal clothes- black skinny jeans, green dirty converse, and a misfits tee.
Killjoy clothes- black skinny jeans, and a ripped up green shirt with a bandana covering her mouth. biker boots and a black leather jacket with the misfits logo on the back.

Personality- very shy, doesn't talk much, she doesn't get scared easily, stubborn, energetic, free spirit, does what she wants when she wants to, careless, sarcastic, has a dry-sense of humor.
Likes- coffee, guns, nice people, mouses, spiders
Dislikes- bullies, fakes, crying, getting upset, being embarrassed.
Family- she has a little sister and misses her.
Back Story- she was bullied for being different and self-harmed. sometimes she thinks about doing it again because she's feeling lonely.
Quirks- she's very sarcastic and can sometimes be rude, she hates her nose which she feels is too big.
Anything Else- she has a tattoo on her rist that says 'baby seal'