Real Name: Eva Beck
Nickname:E, Cowgirl, Evey
Killjoy name:Lethal Melody
Age (they're in highschool so keep that in mind): 17 or whatever works!
Looks: Very light skin, not too short and not to tall (so a happy medium of the two), very slim but still has some muscle, dark brown hair that has a little curl to it, clear complexion, alluring beauty, and big blue eyes
Clothes you usually wear: shorts, or jeans, converse or boots, tanks tops and hoodies!
Killjoy outfit: jean shorts, with bright tights underneath them (tights usually have some holes in them), black converse and a black tank top. Always wears various pieces of string or bracelets around her wrist
Personality: Can come across as very hard and tough at first, but once you get to know her she softens up. She has a very thick skin and and doesn't get upset too often but, under all of that, she has an honest heart of gold and is a great shoulder to cry on! She loves to laugh and have fun, but when she feels like her family and friends are being threatened, the badass in her comes out.
Who you want be with in the fic: Mikey....please?!?? :)
Habits: humming, writing song lyrics on her hands, knotting and braiding pieces of string
Background:Grew up a cowgirl with her family, who was very normal. But after her brother and her mom died in a car accident, she and her father moved to (wherever this story is taking place) She tries to be a normal teenager, but is forever haunted by her childhood, and made fun of because of her accent.
Quirks:She has a very thick southern accent, hence the nickname "Cowgirl", and she has medical knowledge so she acts as a nurse.....
Sexual orientation:Straight
tattoos/ piercings: The words Country Strong are tattooed on her wrists, and she has a little music note behind her ear, her ears are pierced
Birthday: October 20th
Good luck with the fic! Can't wait to read it so please post soon!