Review for Auditions:D


(#) Kaleidoscope_Eyes17 2012-01-18

Name: Kaitlyn Thomson

Nickname: Katy and/or Kate

Female or Male: Female

Age(16-20): 17

Looks: Chocolate brown hair, shoulder length, big brown round eyes, black think rimmed glasses, about 5'5 average size, not gonna lie, but I have some rather large lips

Piercings/Tattoos: Size 2 plugs

Scars/Birthmarks/etc: Scar under my nose from a dog bite. Birthmark on the inside of my thigh near my....yeah.

Outfits: Skinny jeans, Moccasins, scarves. Hoodies, occasional beanies, vans.

Personality: Shy and awkward at first but once I get to know people I'm very outgoing and rather loud and funny :)

Habits: Nail biting, smoking, cursing.

Likes: Tumblr, music, piano, singing, writing, reading, flowers, rain, showers, Panic!, and that's about it.

Dislikes: Rap, snobs, Clingy people, bullies.

Fears: Spiders, snakes, clowns, death, feet, falling.

Country of Origin(where you were born): United states

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Panic! guy you want: Brendon Urie

How you act around them: Relaxed and chill most of the time, but usually outgoing and fun.

What is your relationship like: Occasional fighting, but really close. Cares about one another more than anything.

Did they like each other at first: We connected instantly

When and how do they get together: At a coffee shop.

Heath problems: ADHD, insomnia.

What do you play?: Piano and sings

Do you get along with your band mates: Of course.

How do they act towards my character: Unsure

Do you wear anything special or diffrent for shows (if you do be specific): No.

How do you deal with fans: Be my usual awkward self at first then probably unleash my awesomeness.

How do you deal with the crazier fans: Just try the best I can because I was in their shoes once.

Do you interact with your fans(if so how): Talk to them, get to know some of them.

How do you act in interviews: Doesn't really speak unless Ihave something interesting to say. :)

What are you in the band (obnoxious and funny like Brendon, quiet like Ryan, etc.): A little of both. Just depends on my mood.