Okay that was completely rubbish and also complete bullshit. The fact that you wasted time posting a real shitty fic, shows how shit your life must be. In a space of five minutes you slated and disrespected a fucking hot and kick ass band, pissed off the kiljoys and proved you are a homophobic flaming piece of meese shit who has grammer worse than a two year old learning french. Congrats you just made an ass of yourself and became the real life korse. Hope you're proud of yourself sugar and I hope you suffer a very slow and painful death preferably by getting your intestines ripped out, staked through your venom filled little heart, eyes gauged out by a kohl pencil, incinerated by hair straightners, and ashes fed to a shark which will get turned into sushi with cyanide injected and send it to your family who must be so proud to have such a hate filled heart. Thats me being polite. So good luck with your life baby doll and hope you sleep well knowing you're probably one of the most hated fuckers on this earth. Hope you burn in fucking hell. Xo