Review for Back in the day...

Back in the day...

(#) MCR_punk 2012-02-09

Wow. I loved his chapter, seriously. To be honest, I never really like Phin, but now it seems I'm taking a liking to her.

And Gerard, the poor dude. He must feel so... horrible, dirty, you know what I mean.

Frank, he must feel worse, you can tell he really loves Gerard. But maybe this can't be fixed....

Now I have a slight headache, so much thinking xD

Author's response

I think this is hilarious actually - the minute Phin starts being a bitch to Frank, people start liking her!

I feel sorry for both the boys, it really is an awful situation.

And sorry for the headache! If this gave you one you must have complicated brain processes(!)No, sorry, that was harsh - just kidding.

Thanks for reviewing!
