Review for Back in the day...

Back in the day...

(#) gigiii 2012-02-10

So, i gotta say, i very much enjoyed tht chapter, it's like there are new surprises everytime, and what i mean by tht is: okay i figured Phin would be angry but i never would have thought she would actually tell Frank to get out ! :O but still i see where's she coming from too...i read a fic before where this time it was Frank who was being raped and i get tht it's more unbearable for the victim obviously... Phin supporting Gee is great :) My god it must be so horrible for gerard, i can't even imagine what he's feeling...i hope he'll get better :/
Okay in this particula fic, i admit tht technically Frank is also a victim since he never meant to do it :/ so yeah i kinda feel for him too, and i'm so relieved to see tht Phin comforted Gerard, aaah tht girl hides her heart xD seriously though, i thought Frank would have been more defeated...Okay he feels disgusted bout himself but still...

I wonder if Gerard is gonna go back to Jersey for a while or whatever or if he's gonna succeed facing his fears with Frank and all, i can't imagine the talk they're gonna have eventuelley, god ! Pleeeaaase don't let him trying to overcome or forget his feelings with alcohol and drugs all the time because of tht, he was like so getting better before tht :'/(hey i'm saying tht but i'm not the writer so XD) This is so thrilling xD (yeah i know i shouldn't say tht cause rape is not thrilling but you know what i mean right^^)
Also, i don't know what's Gerard problem with Phin anymore ! I mean like c'mon she was there for him...she didn't do anything wrong lately xD i hope he's gonna be sorta grateful for what she did (kicking F out i mean)...

Oh and btw, i hear ya...i love the album Dookie :)Even though i'm more into the last one 21st CB, ah and tht's funny cause everytime i put my ipod on the songs mix, it's always the "the static age" popping first ! Xd idk why^^ Anyway, tht was a great chapter, thks for updating and warning me bout it, cause sometimes i don't check fir a day or two since most of the fics (not finished) tht i read on ficwad are like practically never updated --' Let me tell ya, you're probably the one who updates the most xD

Author's response

Wow. Long review! Thanks!

Glad you liked the chapter, but weirdly enough, I pity Frank more than Gerard, and really dislike Phin in this. I guess that's mostly to do with the fact I've been rejected by friends before, but not raped, so I have more empathy for Frank. I try to write it so Gerars seems worse off though. It's kinda difficult though.

I can't really comment on anything in the next paragraph 'cos it'll give the storyline away - sorry!

But Dookie beats 21CBD any day!

Glad you liked the chapter, and yeah - I'm sad, and have no life, so I update a lot. Actually, that's a lie, I do it when I'm supposed to be revising. Oh if only my parents knew! XD
