(#) xXLaylaxX 2012-02-16

Name: Layla Price

Part: Gerard or Frank's friend. Or where ever the hell you wanna put her

Age: 15

Gender: [looks between legs] I'm a chick

Sexuality(optional): Bisexual but prefers girls

Hair: Short, black, messy, multicolored hair. Purple, white, blue, and red streaks randomly throughout it. She gives herself her own haircuts and she sucks donkey balls at it. So it sorta looks like she was just attacked by a weed hacker.

clothing: Usually wears strippy or checkerd shirts. Or band tees. Skinny jeans. Converse (she doen't wear matching colors for example one foot could be clad in a purple converse and the other would be black). She always has a camera slung around her neck [she love taking photos]

Piercing/tattoos: Snakebites. Nose piercing (on the left). She wears plugs. She has a treble cleft on the palm of her right hand. Bass cleft on the palm of her left hand. 'Love-Hate-Sex-Pain' on the forearm of her right hand. 'love' on the fingers of her left hand. 'hate' on the fingers of her right hand.

Personality: She is the type of person that jokes to hide her pain. She is rarely serious and she hates having 'deep' conversations. She doesn't like people seeing the real her. She is loyal as a freaking dog with friends and cold to strangers. She cusses alot. Is not very trusting. Proud of her sexuality.

Likes: Owls [her favorite animal] Playing bass. Rainy days. Music. Writing. Irish accents (best fucking accent EVER)

Dislikes: Assholes. People that are jerks to others.

Phobias/fears: Cockroches [has a deep deep fear of cockroaches she FREAKS whenever she sees one]. She has a fear of people that she loves abandoning her.

Short Background: She lost her sister when she was ten. Parents became cold and mean. Now she has major problems with her parents and spends most of time away from them.

Change whatever you want =] Can't wait to read this =D